Find jobs using Merlin, the fastest way to find a job.
Merlin offers free access to thousands of employers who are ACTIVELY hiring.
Spend minutes scrolling for jobs, apply with just a tap, and chat with employers instantly.
Most of our users get hired in just a few days!
As New York and Philadelphia’s fastest growing job search app, covering hospitality, retail, sales and more, it's never been easier to get hired!
The job search process from start to finish is made to be hassle-free. Create your Merlin profile in minutes, find a job in the New York area using a variety of useful filters and apply for jobs
Would you like to know more about the position? With real-time chat, you can communicate directly with employers and discuss all the details, eliminate any concerns and make the job search process less stressful.
⦁ Enjoy the full Merlin experience for free
⦁ Search careers and job listings in a wide range of sectors
⦁ Search jobs by location & other filters
⦁ See comprehensive details of each job listing
Post job and career listings in just a couple of minutes and receive applications from qualified job seekers without having to do any additional advertising.
⦁ Post and manage your job listings
⦁ Create your company profile in a few simple, easy steps
⦁ Engage in real-time communication with candidates to ask them anything you want
⦁ Schedule interviews from within the app
Merlin has job listings in a wide range of different sectors, including:
⦁ Restaurants and bars
⦁ Hospitality
⦁ Retail
⦁ Logistics and transportation
⦁ Sales
⦁ General labor
⦁ Healthcare
⦁ Education
⦁ Government
⦁ Hourly jobs
And many more!
Whether you’re actively on the hunt for an exciting new job or career, or you’d like to keep your options open and know what’s available in the New York City and Philadelphia area, Merlin has new job posts every day across a range of sectors – your job hunt ends here!
** Merlin is only available in New York and Philadelphia. We'll soon be expanding to other cities across the US.
Temukan pekerjaan menggunakan Merlin, cara tercepat untuk menemukan pekerjaan.
Merlin menawarkan akses gratis ke ribuan perusahaan yang AKTIF mempekerjakan.
Habiskan beberapa menit untuk mencari pekerjaan, melamar hanya dengan satu ketukan, dan mengobrol dengan majikan secara instan.
Sebagian besar pengguna kami dipekerjakan hanya dalam beberapa hari!
Sebagai aplikasi pencarian kerja yang paling cepat berkembang di New York dan Philadelphia, meliputi keramahan, ritel, penjualan, dan banyak lagi, tidak pernah semudah ini untuk direkrut!
Proses pencarian pekerjaan dari awal hingga selesai dibuat tanpa kerumitan. Buat profil Merlin Anda dalam hitungan menit, cari pekerjaan di daerah New York menggunakan berbagai filter yang berguna dan melamar pekerjaan
Apakah Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang posisi itu? Dengan obrolan real-time, Anda dapat berkomunikasi langsung dengan pengusaha dan mendiskusikan semua detail, menghilangkan segala kekhawatiran, dan membuat proses pencarian pekerjaan menjadi kurang stres.
⦁ Nikmati pengalaman Merlin sepenuhnya secara gratis
⦁ Cari karier dan daftar pekerjaan di berbagai sektor
⦁ Cari pekerjaan berdasarkan lokasi & filter lain
⦁ Lihat detail lengkap dari setiap daftar pekerjaan
Posting lowongan pekerjaan dan daftar karier hanya dalam beberapa menit dan terima lamaran dari pencari kerja yang memenuhi syarat tanpa harus melakukan periklanan tambahan.
⦁ Posting dan kelola daftar pekerjaan Anda
⦁ Buat profil perusahaan Anda dalam beberapa langkah sederhana dan mudah
⦁ Terlibat dalam komunikasi waktu nyata dengan kandidat untuk menanyakan apa pun yang mereka inginkan
⦁ Jadwalkan wawancara dari dalam aplikasi
Merlin memiliki daftar pekerjaan di berbagai sektor, termasuk:
⦁ Restoran dan bar
⦁ Keramahan
⦁ Eceran
⦁ Logistik dan transportasi
⦁ Penjualan
⦁ Tenaga kerja umum
⦁ Layanan Kesehatan
⦁ Pendidikan
⦁ Pemerintah
⦁ Pekerjaan setiap jam
Dan masih banyak lagi!
Baik Anda secara aktif mencari pekerjaan atau karier baru yang mengasyikkan, atau Anda ingin tetap membuka pilihan dan mengetahui apa yang tersedia di wilayah New York City dan Philadelphia, Merlin memiliki pos kerja baru setiap hari di berbagai sektor - perburuan pekerjaan Anda berakhir di sini!
** Merlin hanya tersedia di New York dan Philadelphia. Kami akan segera memperluas ke kota-kota lain di seluruh AS.
Find jobs using Merlin, the fastest way to find a job.
Merlin offers free access to thousands of employers who are ACTIVELY hiring.
Spend minutes scrolling for jobs, apply with just a tap, and chat with employers instantly.
Most of our users get hired in just a few days!
As New York and Philadelphia’s fastest growing job search app, covering hospitality, retail, sales and more, it's never been easier to get hired!
The job search process from start to finish is made to be hassle-free. Create your Merlin profile in minutes, find a job in the New York area using a variety of useful filters and apply for jobs
Would you like to know more about the position? With real-time chat, you can communicate directly with employers and discuss all the details, eliminate any concerns and make the job search process less stressful.
⦁ Enjoy the full Merlin experience for free
⦁ Search careers and job listings in a wide range of sectors
⦁ Search jobs by location & other filters
⦁ See comprehensive details of each job listing
Post job and career listings in just a couple of minutes and receive applications from qualified job seekers without having to do any additional advertising.
⦁ Post and manage your job listings
⦁ Create your company profile in a few simple, easy steps
⦁ Engage in real-time communication with candidates to ask them anything you want
⦁ Schedule interviews from within the app
Merlin has job listings in a wide range of different sectors, including:
⦁ Restaurants and bars
⦁ Hospitality
⦁ Retail
⦁ Logistics and transportation
⦁ Sales
⦁ General labor
⦁ Healthcare
⦁ Education
⦁ Government
⦁ Hourly jobs
And many more!
Whether you’re actively on the hunt for an exciting new job or career, or you’d like to keep your options open and know what’s available in the New York City and Philadelphia area, Merlin has new job posts every day across a range of sectors – your job hunt ends here!
** Merlin is only available in New York and Philadelphia. We'll soon be expanding to other cities across the US.